Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ah, What a Great Day to be Sick!

Thank God that it's my RDO-Regular Days Off as I'm coughing up a storm. I got the slightly narcotic cough syrup from the Doc but it only lasts 4 hours & the dosing is every 6! I guess hot tea, Ricola and rest wil be the order of the day. Does anyone have a better remedy for cough out there? Let me know.


RaeJane said...

You should start taking Vitamin C the moment you think you are getting sick.
It's worked well for me in the past.
Tastes good too.

Good luck!

oh, and Zinc! Take that too.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I'm taking a multi but I'll run out & get some C as well. I wonder if they sell zinc seperately? I'll find out.

Anonymous said...

Spoonful of honey. Soothes and coats. Well, at least the beekeepers will like you.