Ah, What a Great Day to be Sick!
Thank God that it's my RDO-Regular Days Off as I'm coughing up a storm. I got the slightly narcotic cough syrup from the Doc but it only lasts 4 hours & the dosing is every 6! I guess hot tea, Ricola and rest wil be the order of the day. Does anyone have a better remedy for cough out there? Let me know.
You should start taking Vitamin C the moment you think you are getting sick.
It's worked well for me in the past.
Tastes good too.
Good luck!
oh, and Zinc! Take that too.
Thanks! I'm taking a multi but I'll run out & get some C as well. I wonder if they sell zinc seperately? I'll find out.
Spoonful of honey. Soothes and coats. Well, at least the beekeepers will like you.
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