Monday, January 19, 2009

Blogging. Sometimes a Pleasure; Sometimes a Pain.

I've been Twittering up a storm! it is nice talking (in a SMS way) with some of the folks whose blogs I read but I realize that posting in my own blog also is required. I've been trying to recover from a cold/flu/virus that really laid me out. It has only retracted slowly & I'm monitoring it., but talking about it bores even me! I'd like to ask you a question: Is anybody there? I see that some folks visit but I rarely get comments and I'd like to know for my own head. Please let me know.


Anonymous said...

I'm here!

Amy Kate said...

I'm here, but only recently, and, frankly, quite loaded-ly right now. But we're out here, so keep writing!

Anonymous said...

blogger gives me fits when i try to leave a comment ...been trying for days here! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I'm a first-time reader, but I'm here!

It's been a nice read.

(I'm an ER nurse, morphed into something else now....)